v0.362 - Customisable Match Settings

---------- Description ----------

Hello, this update introduces a set of new options for customising the match settings before starting a match, a few small changes, and many important fixes. The settings allow players to change things like the score to win, grid size, and all of the mutator options, and include a few presets for quickly selecting specific game types. Hope you enjoy!

---------- Additions ----------

  • Created a menu for customizing the match settings that appears before starting a local or online match.
  • Created a menu for changing the game's settings from the main menu.
  • Added a prompt for confirming/cancelling important actions such as leaving a match and closing the game (with the option to turn it on/off).
  • Added a new fullscreen window mode option in the game's settings menu.

---------- Changes ----------

  • The mutator settings can now be changed from the main menu before starting a match.
  • Mutator settings can no longer be changed after a match has started.
  • Changed all the fonts for texts that display a lobby name or password so different character cases are noticeable.
  • The cursor helper icon now reverts to showing the selected power-up after the "?" icon disappears.
  • Improved the descriptions for all mutators.
  • The active power-ups' background now shrinks when no power-ups are enabled.
  • Limited how many times the 'player ready' RPC can be sent to clients per second.
  • Changed the default window mode to exclusive fullscreen.
  • Made more use of the available space in the main menu to make the menus larger.
  • UI elements in the main menu scene now scale better when the screen size changes.
  • Changed the floating blocks spawn animation to a fade-in effect.
  • Slightly improved the appearance of several menu backgrounds in the main menu.
  • Changed the colour for uninteractable UI elements.

---------- Fixes ----------

  • Addressed the 'resetting event queue' error triggering when a player attempts to join a lobby by showing an error message and then closing the application, so it's clear the game can't be played if this error triggers.
  • Reduced the chances of the 'received packet with invalid pipeline' error triggering.
  • Fixed players not disconnecting from their lobby when another player leaves while loading the gameplay scene.
  • Fixed the loading screen staying open indefinitely when another player disconnects before they start loading the gameplay scene.
  • Fixed the '404 not found' error appearing when a player attempts to join a lobby that has closed but is still visible in the lobby browser.
  • Fixed the query lobby rate limit being reached.
  • Fixed several bugs relating to tethered counters not falling when they should.
  • Fixed mutator sound effects not playing after loading into a match for the second time.
  • Fixed counters getting pulled out of their tile when one of their tethered counters starts falling.
  • Fixed multiple counters being assigned to a single tile and overwriting each other.
  • Fixed counters sometimes being missaligned with their tile. Using the same aspect ratio as other players helps avoid this issue.
  • Fixed several UI elements potentially appearing/stretching off-screen.
  • Fixed an issue with attempting to join a lobby with an incorrect password.
  • Fixed the host being unable to exit a match using the game over menu after their opponent has left.
  • An online match will now be cancelled as soon as the gameplay scene is loaded if a player disconnects during the load process.
  • Fixed players getting too many points for their score streak when scoring multiple lines in a single turn.
  • Fixed blocked counters being highlighted and spawning point VFX if blocked at the same time as a scoring line is created.
  • Fixed the active power-up icons not enabling when a match starts.
  • Fixed some events being triggered excessively when creating a lobby, joining a lobby, and leaving a lobby.
  • Fixed players needing to ready up multiple times before the other player receives their ready state after having already played a match.
  • Players no longer need to reselect a power-up to see which tiles it can interact with after an opponent places a counter and when a counter has moved.
  • Fixed floating block counters not respawning when regenerating the mutators in a local match.
  • Fixed the '_MainTex property missing' error appearing because of the blur shader.
  • Fixed the scoreboard appearing at the start of a match when the previous match was restarted before the scoreboard appeared.
  • Players can now see the lobby password after they've joined a lobby.
  • Fixed the power-up selection wheel's buttons staying enabled when the mutators are reset in a local match.
  • Fixed the cursor helper icon still showing the previously selected power-up when restarting a local match.
  • Fixed the cursor's helper icon disappearing when clicking on a tile without using the power-up in an online match.
  • Fixed the selected tile outline showing even when it's disabled in the settings.
  • Fixed the scoreboard playing the wrong animation and hiding as soon as it appears on screen.
  • Fixed the scoreboard only playing its reveal animation once throughout multiple matches.
  • Fixed the game staying paused after closing the pause menu when using its close button.
  • Fixed the trail emitter being turned on for stationary power-up counters for non-host players.
  • Fixed the scoreboard's show/hide button only being highlighted once when hovering over it.
  • Fixed being able to scroll past the last element in the scoreboard.

Thanks for playing,


Get Liam's 4-In-A-Row (Demo)

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