v0.340 - Quality of Life Improvements

---------- Description ----------

Hello, this update introduces several quality-of-life improvements and fixes. I hope you enjoy it!

---------- Additions ----------

  • Tiles are now highlighted with a yellow outline when the cursor hovers over them (with options to toggle the outline on/off and change its colour).
  • Added support for playing with players that are using a different version of the game (hover over game version text in main menu to see compatible versions, if any exist).
  • A message will now be displayed if the lobby that a player is trying to join is full.
  • Added a shadow behind the game-over menu.

---------- Changes ----------

  • The game over menu can now be toggled on and off so players can see all of the counters after finishing a match.
  • The entire lobby search result will now be highlighted when the cursor hovers over them, clicks on them, and selects them (instead of just the name).
  • Set a cooldown time for using the join lobby button to avoid surpassing a network rate limit.
  • Lobby passwords are now displayed in quotes.
  • All of the whitespace between elements in a lobby search result is now selectable.
  • Changed the appearance of the game's toggle buttons.
  • Changed the text for the leave match button in the game over menu to make its purpose clearer.

---------- Fixes ----------

  • Fixed both players disconnecting from the lobby when either of them closes their lobby menu.
  • Fixed counters sometimes locking into a tile when there's a moving counter below them.
  • Fixed stationary counters accidentally locking into a tile as soon as they start moving.
  • Fixed the game freezing whenever a power-up is used or a points VFX is spawned.
  • Fixed the cursor not changing at the end of a turn in a local match when there's a points VFX playing.
  • Fixed counters scoring points for blocking when falling and landing on the end of a scoring line.
  • Fixed counters being checked for points in the wrong order after some of them have fallen.
  • Fixed the "404 Not Found" error triggering when a player attempts to join a lobby that's no longer open.
  • Fixed lobbies not being removed from the search results when they haven't been setup correctly.
  • Lobbies will now automatically be shutdown if the host closes their lobby menu before the request to create the lobby has resolved.
  • A player will now automatically leave a lobby upon joining it if they close their lobby menu before the request to join the lobby has resolved.
  • Fixed the tile grid scaling incorrectly and being partially out of view when changing the application's window size.
  • Fixed players being able to change the mutator settings after a match has ended.
  • Fixed players being able to regenerate mutators after a match has ended.

Until next time,


Get Liam's 4-In-A-Row (Demo)

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