v0.280 - New Visual and Audio Feedback

---------- Description ----------

The main features introduced within this update are sound effects, animations, a pause menu, improved network reliability, and a
new & refreshed lobby screen which players can use to create password-protected lobbies, search for a lobby using its
name, and view more details about each lobby.

---------- Additions ----------

  • Created a spawn animation for placing counters.
  • Added sound effects for: placing a counter; creating a scoring line; and blocking a potential scoring line.
  • Created a pause menu with controls for changing the volume of the game's SFX.
  • Added a new screen for defining a lobby's settings when creating it.
  • Added the ability to create a password-protected lobby.
  • Players can now search for and join a lobby using its name.
  • Players can now see how many players are connected to a lobby when searching for one.
  • Players can now see if a lobby is password-protected when searching for one.
  • Players can now select a specific lobby to join from the search results.
  • Informative pop-up messages now appear if: the user triggers an error/warning when interacting with the lobby menus; another client disconnects from a lobby or match.
  • Added some text elements to the main menu that show the game's version and developer's name.

---------- Changes ----------

  • The timeline's events now smoothly move from their current position to their next position after an event triggers.
  • Power-up counters can now squash other counters that are lighter than them.
  • Improved the disconnection process for removing a player from a lobby/match.
  • Lobbies that are in the process of being closed will no longer appear in the lobby search results.
  • Reduced the delay between a player readying up and other players seeing their ready-state change.
  • Reduced the delay between all players readying up and loading into a match.
  • Reduced the game's network traffic.
  • Players will now be returned to the main menu from an ongoing match if their opponent disconnects.
  • Players will now only be able to play online with other players who are using on the same version of the game.

---------- Fixes ----------


  • Fixed a scenario where some scoring lines weren't awarded points when they shared a counter with another scoring line.
  • Fixed scoring lines not being registered if they were created while a counter was being flung (with the fling power-up).
  • Fixed some counters being ignored when checking if all counters have stopped moving.
  • Fixed the first change turn event in the timeline starting with the wrong player.
  • Fixed a case where the timeline's events would not move forward.
  • Fixed the timeline's events not being reset when the match is restarted.
  • Fixed the timeline's change turn events not showing the correct player icons if several turns were taken in a quick succession.
  • Fixed some counters not being squashed when a floating block is spawned on top of them with gravity enabled.
  • Fixed some counters not being squashed when a tethered player counter is placed above them with gravity enabled.
  • Fixed some counters not being squashed when a heavier one falls on top of them with gravity enabled.
  • Fixed the bridge-gap power-up not being usable along the edge of the grid.
  • Fixed duplicate game-objects being spawned when reloading the main menu.


  • Fixed lobby names inputted by a player potentially containing unwanted characters when searching for a lobby.
  • Fixed an issue where a client could trigger a 'cannot connect to self' error when hosting a lobby.
  • Fixed multiple lobbies being able to use the same names.
  • Fixed the host client registering another player is connected when it's themselves that's joined the lobby.
  • Players will no longer join a lobby that's being deleted.
  • Fixed the game thinking clients are still joining a lobby after they've connected to one.
  • Reduced the chances of clients triggering a 'resetting event queue' error when connecting to a lobby.
  • Fixed the player's ready-up icon flickering on & off when they ready up.
  • Fixed players being shown the incorrect ready state for other clients after joining a lobby.
  • Fixed players disconnecting from the networking manager when leaving a lobby.
  • Fixed players still appearing in a lobby after they've disconnected.
  • Fixed the lobby's details remaining on-screen after the host's game unexpectedly shuts down.
  • Fixed the host player not seeing other clients in the lobby after they disconnect and reconnect.
  • Fixed some network events not being triggered for certain clients.
  • Fixed several network rate limits being surpassed.
  • Prevented the host from loading into a match before all players have synchronised their game state.
  • Fixed some network objects not being cleaned up when exiting the gameplay scene.
  • Fixed the player's unique ID being empty after reloading the main menu.
  • Fixed several bugs that prevented either client from hosting a new match after returning to the main menu.


  • Fixed several null reference errors.

Thanks for playing,


Get Liam's 4-In-A-Row (Demo)

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