v0.293 - Visual Improvements, VFX, and Sounds

---------- Description ----------

This update consists of visual improvements, new visual effects for using power-ups, new sounds, more feedback when browsing menus, and as usual some changes and fixes.

---------- Additions ----------

  • Added an explosion visual effect (VFX) that plays when a bomb power-up is used.
  • Added a trail VFX for counters when they move.
  • Added new sound effects for using the bridge-gap, bomb, and fling power-ups.
  • Added some text to the side-panel to track each player's score streaks.
  • A message will now be displayed on-screen: if no lobbies were found when searching for one; while a lobby is being created; while a player is searching for a lobby to join; and while a player is joining a lobby.
  • Added a button for cancelling creating a lobby in the lobby creation screen.
  • Added red & green backgrounds to the join, ready, confirm, leave, and cancel lobby menu buttons.
  • Added titles to help identify different lobby details after connecting to a lobby.

---------- Changes ----------

  • Created new sprites for the bridge-gap, bomb, and fling counters.
  • The power-up selection wheel's icons are now toggled on/off when a power-up is collected/uncollected.
  • Tethers are now drawn on top of the counters they're connecting, instead of behind them.
  • Improved the appearance and layout of the side-panel.
  • All of the game's text now uses the same font and sizes.
  • The lobby search bar is now hidden when a player is: creating a lobby; and connected to a lobby.
  • The cursor's helper icon no longer displays the selected power-up if it isn't collected by the player.
  • Reduced how often tiles are updated when showing which tiles are interactable with power-ups.
  • Removed the falling counters from the main menu's background.
  • Animated the main menu and side-panel background counters to slowly enlarge and shrink over time, and applied a blur effect to them.
  • Repositioned the icons within the power-up selection wheel so they're all centered.
  • Smoothed the edges of the power-up selection wheel's background.
  • Highlighted the inner portion of the 'highlighted circle' sprite.

---------- Fixes ----------

  • Fixed some data (native collections) not being disposed of when the game is closed, or a scene is loaded.
  • Fixed the host not receiving the correct network ID for other players after polling the lobby.
  • Fixed non-host clients attempting to read server data which they don't have permission to read.
  • Fixed players being unable to use the bridge-gap power-up to block an opponent's potential scoring line.
  • Fixed the wrong tether from potentially being destroyed when a counter is untethered.
  • Tethers that are created by using the bridge-gap power-up are now rendered for all players.
  • Power-up sound effects now play for all players.
  • Fixed a player's score streak sometimes not resetting when an opponent scores points.
  • Fixed the player's network ID being reset to an incorrect value when they leave a lobby.
  • Fixed the 'host lobby' settings not being visible after failing to create a lobby.
  • Fixed neither player loading the gameplay scene when one of them readies up before all players appear on the host's screen.
  • Fixed power-up counters not falling when the counter beneath them is destroyed.
  • Fixed players responding to their own incoming connection after joining a lobby.
  • Reset the timer for polling a lobby after a player disconnects.
  • Fixed players still appearing in the lobby for the host after they've left.
  • Fixed tethers still being drawn after one of their counters is destroyed.
  • Fixed tethers being drawn between each of a tethered counter's connections.
  • Fixed tethers being drawn that connect counters to somewhere offscreen.
  • Fixed the cursor's helper icon staying on-screen after a player uses a power-up.
  • Fixed the tether material rendering incorrectly.
  • Fixed several null reference errors.

Thanks for playing,


Get Liam's 4-In-A-Row (Demo)

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